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Anthony and Barry Awards at Bouchercon

Hey, everybody! I'm spending the week here in beautiful Long Beach California to attend this year's world mystery convention, Bouchercon. So far nobody has been murdered, but I'm still hopeful. This crowd of mystery writers would provide for some interesting locked-room mystery hijinks.

I'm especially excited to attend this year's Bouchercon, because I'm up for both an Anthony and a Barry award! If you're also attending, you should totally vote for me. Either that or I'll rob your house.

I'll be sure to live-tweet the event as much as I can. You should follow me: @rogerjhobbs, or at least follow the hashtags #bouchercon, #bcon2014 or, for you rap fans out there, #mysteryintheLBC.

Also, my panels are:

Getting it Right: How Authors Make Sure the Details Are Correct (Saturday, 1:30pm, Promenade B)

Murder Spree: Determining How, Why and Who to Kill in Your Stories (Friday, 11:30am, Promenade 104c)

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